Spiffing Things up at Wyning Edge Friesians!

Posted on August 23, 2010 by Paula

We have been so busy at the ranch over the last 8-9 months or so!   Between Mike, Eddie, Santiago and myself, we have put in new drainage channels and ditches all around the ranch/barn/paddocks, refurnished & landscaped all around the ranch cottage and then resurfaced all of the roads.  Due to all the rain in the winter here, the mulch we had been using just created deep pockets of mud and wet areas that never dried out, so we removed all of the mulch and instead first put down a good base covered with crushed granite.  We also began laying down footing material (old mulch!) for the first section of the trail system we are putting in all around and crosscutting through the ranch.  The first section is complete and oh my gosh, it is so great to be able to flat out gallop without worrying about the horses hooves on the rocks!

The cottage is just adorable, but there was never really any emotional investment put into it when it was occupied by our former Ranch Manager, so we have given it the love and attention it deserved!  Now it feels homey, comfy and we spend about 4 nights a week out there with Santiago & Eddie staying out there other nights.

It was lots of work and their’s still tons to be done, but it’s so rewarding to see the results thus far!  And we are pretty proud of doing it all ourselves…so we had to share with ya’ll! HA! :-)